EUMETSAT is a global operational satellite agency at the heart of Europe. Its purpose is to gather accurate and reliable satellite data on weather, climate and the environment around the clock, and to deliver them to its 30 Member States, to its international partners, and to users worldwide.
In our increasingly weather-dependent society, satellite data has become indispensable for National Meteorological Services in order to forecast all kinds of weather and to produce timely warnings and other information that support public and private decision-making for our social and economic well-being.
In addition, satellite observations are relevant to climate monitoring. Over the last 30 years, meteorological satellites like Meteosat have accumulated unique records of our changing climate. Their data, together with those of our Metop and Jason low-Earth orbiting satellites, will play a major role in the ongoing development of climate services.
EUMETSAT provides comprehensive support to developing countries, particularly in Africa.
European nations that have joined forces with EUMETSAT have made the support of Africa a strategic objective and, in doing so, combine their efforts with the European Union, the African Union and the World Meteorological Organization. A number of projects and initiatives have already taken place to ensure that the African meteorological community can get easier access to the satellite data and are trained on its use. The goal is to help meet national and regional requirements in terms of severe weather warnings, water and agriculture management, and mitigation of the effects of natural hazards and climate change, which greatly affect the African continent.